Sunday, September 8, 2024

THEY’RE TOO SLOW! PM Nabbanja Speaks Out on Power Struggle with Minister Onek

The Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has spoken out on the chilling letter written by the Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Hilary Onek, accusing her of usurping his office.

A letter dated October, 29, 2021 reportedly written by Onek has been trending on social media, accusing Nabbanja of usurping his office by conducting activities that are meant to be done by his office, more so without informing them.

In response to his letter, Nabbanja said that whereas she has not officially received the purported letter from Minister Onek, she has no problem with Onek or his office.

“I have not yet received this letter purported to have been written by Onek. But for the record, I have no problem with Hon Onek or his office,” Nabbanja said while speaking to Radio One.

Nabbanja added that the only time Onek was ‘unhappy’ with her is when she interdicted officials from his office (directorate of disaster management) for causing a financial loss to government when they procured substandard food and non-food items meant for Kasese Flood victims.

“The only time I saw Onek being uncomfortable with me is when I interdicted staff in his office. He came to my office pleading that the accused officials are released. But I stood my ground and he has since then been uncomfortable with me. I think I am simply moving faster than them and they are failing to match up my pace,” Nabbanja told Radio One.

In his letter, Onek accuses Nabbanja of demeaning her office by involving herself into managing micro projects in his ministry. He has since promised to resign if she doesn’t stop her methods of work.

“From the time of your appointment, I have been observing with total displeasure the fact that my role and that of my deputy as the Ministers in charge of refugees and disaster and the lead policy makers on matters of refugee and disaster management have been totally usurped by your office,” Onek said.

“Rt Hon Prime Minister if you have decided to carry on working like this and rendering my docket irrelevant, kindly put it writing to H.E the President who is the appointing authority and I will relieve myself of my responsibilities and allow you carry on with your duties. I will not be held accountable for decisions that have been taken without my input.

READ MORE: AM NOT EATING! Onek Accuses PM Nabbanja of taking over his Office in Disturbing Letter

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