Sunday, July 7, 2024

Panic at State House as Museveni Grills Security Operatives over Fake Among UK Property Intel

There is panic inside State House as security operatives fear for their jobs for reportedly giving President Yoweri Museveni fake intelligence on Speaker Anita Among’s alleged UK property.

Early last month, Speaker Among’s social media critics started spreading propaganda that she owned property in London in the wake of UK sanctions.

However, the Speaker emphatically refuted the allegations saying she didn’t own even a pussycat in UK. She relayed the same position to the President and indeed, when the President asked Uganda’s High Commissioner to UK, Ambassador Nimisha Madhvani to verify the allegations, she reported that Speaker Among did not own any property or house in UK. Other intelligence sources also proved that she didn’t own any property in UK.

In a twist of events, State House security operatives later on ‘cooked’ an intelligence report which was presented to the President alleging that Among owned a house in UK. They presented the address as Flat 4, Silk House, 7 Waterden Road, London, E20 3AL, United Kingdom.

It is on the basis of this intelligence that President Museveni on May 23, 2024 wrote to the Speaker seeking clarification on the same. But the Speaker in her response insisted that she didn’t own the same property.

When President Museveni conducted another counter-intelligence, it emerged truly that Speaker Among did not own any property in the UK.

When a search was conducted, it emerged that the said house is owned by the London Legacy Development Corporation, the organisation behind Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

Since then, Museveni has been very furious with the security operatives within State House and demanded for an explanation for feeding him with fake intelligence.

The said security operatives have since then, not reported on duty for fear of reprimand from the Commander-in-Chief and could face jail or dismissal. Apparently, the President has been questioning the motive of this fake intelligence and has ordered for the officers to be probed to ascertain their linkage with the imperialists.

Highly placed sources within State House intimated to this website that the said security operatives reportedly connived with Speaker Among’s rivals with the help of western powers to forge the intelligence report. The western countries, including UK and US have openly expressed anguish over the passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill and have vowed to teach Among a longlasting lesson untill government makes a U-turn on the gay law. This explains the recent sanctions slapped on Among and other public officials.

In March this year, Museveni while in Bukedea, described Among’s critics as puppets and traitors who are serving the interests of ‘bad’ foreigners.

“Our problem is not Anita Among or MPs, it’s the traitors who are working for foreigners. Those are the real traitors. They are not mistake-makers, or learners who need advice, they are outright traitors,” Museveni said. He said he would expose and deal with them.

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