Sunday, July 7, 2024

MP Silwany, Balaam Thrown out of Soroti State Lodge

Parliamentary backbench commissioner Solomon Silwany and Balaam Barugahara on Monday had a bad morning when mean-looking SFC commandos threw them out of State Lodge, Soroti.

Silwany, also Bukhooli County MP was moving in his official Parliamentary car reg no. UG 0344H along with NRM diehard Balaam, also the Chairman and MD of Balaam Marketing and Promotions Agency in Uganda.

Balaam has been camped in Teso subregion since Friday doing a lot of “nothing”, roaming with the presidential team like a headless chicken.

Balaam has tried to install himself as a power broker for NRM and President Yoweri Museveni who is campaigning in Teso subregion.

He (Balam) and Silwany were today, Monday reduced to nothing when they attempted to access State Lodge in Soroti where President Museveni had spent a night after his successful two day’s campaign in Soroti.

The two thought they would simply walk into State Lodge like it’s their bedroom and access the President.

On reaching the first gate at about 9.30am, the two were stopped at the gate. When the officer in charge attempted to make a phone call to his superiors to find out if Silwany and Balam were on appointment. The voice on the phone said, “They are not on appointment. Let them go away.”

Silwany and Balam took a walk of shame and drove away in coldness. Balaam could have duped Silwany that he would take him to see the President.

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