Thursday, July 4, 2024

BUSTED! Why MP Musinguzi is Fighting Minister Musenero

Shocking details have emerged why Ntungamo Municipality MP Yona Musinguzi is fighting the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Monica Musenero

Musinguzi is the lead petitioner in the whistle-blowers’ report that allegedly accuses Musenero of misusing funds that meant for COVID-19 vaccine development through the Presidential Scientific Initiative on Epidemics (PRESIDE).

Whereas President Yoweri Museveni has lauded Musenero and her team under PRESIDE for spearheading efforts to develop the development of COVID-19 vaccines, MP Musinguzi used Parliament to blackmail the Minister, prompting Speaker Anita Among to establish a select committee to investigate the allegations.
The Committee report was tabled last Thursday and is slated for debate next week.

Shocking details have revealed why Musinguzi wants Minister Musenero impeached. It has emerged that before joining politics, MP Yona Musinguzi was a former staff of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. He was recruited when he failed to win the elections for the 10th parliament. He resigned to go and stand again. He served as Director in the former Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Sources have intimated to the Panther website that when Musinguzi beat Gerald Karuhanga to become MP for Ntungamo Municipality, he expected to catch the President’s eye for a Cabinet appointment as Minister in charge of Science and Technology.

However, when Museveni preferred Musenero for her distinguished expertise in epidemics, Musinguzi was left sourgaping and has since vowed to fight her to the grave.
This explains why he was last Thursday pressurizing the Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa to debate the report even before the MPs could comprehend it. He persuaded the House to quickly pin and have the Minister impeached even when the Committee report did not find her guilty for misusing the funds.

Apparently Musinguzi and his accomplices are not comfortable that such a Ministerial position is in the hands of person from Eastern Uganda. He is said to be mobilizing MPs to censure the Musenero even when there is no substantive motion before Parliament.

More details to follow…

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