Sunday, July 7, 2024

NUP Coordinators in Bulambuli Defect to NRM, Demand to Benefit from Emyooga

Over 750 NUP coordinators in Bulambuli District have defected to the NRM ruling party a week to the January 14th polls.

The NUP coordinators most of whom are youths demanded that NRM government includes them in livelihood programs like the ongoing Emyooga fund where each constituency has received about Shs560m.

“We joined NUP because of the arrogance and segregation from NRM government. We the youth have always been ignored yet we form the biggest percentage of the country’s population. But now we are back home and ready to demobilize others to return and vote President Museveni,” James Mabonga, chairperson, NUP Bulambuli County said.

Mukula (C) received over 750 NUP coordinators

This was during a campaign meeting by Capt Mike Mukula, the NRM vice chairperson for Eastern region. Mukula was in Bulambuli district where he was flanked by former Minister Irene Muloni, who is also the NRM flag bearer for Bulambuli district.

“We want jobs, there are so many factories here in Bugisu, but all employees are from outside Bugisu yet we are equally qualified. Above all, we also want to benefit from emyooga. We used to think emyooga for only for NRM people, but since we are back, we should also be considered,” he said.

Another female NUP defector, accused public officials of sexually harassing them for jobs, saying their dire state has become an opportunity for people to use them as sex toys in their pursuit for jobs.

Mukula receives NUP coordinators in Bulambuli

In his speech, Mukula emphasized need for the youth to quickly form saving groups to benefit from emyooga. He said that in the NRM Manifesto, their emphasis now is to eradicate poverty, create jobs for young people, fight corruption, ensure equitable distribution of resources and widen East African markets.

“Museveni inherited only one dam-Owen Falls dam with only two turbines with 62megawatts. But now, 5 major dams and other small dams have been built. Uganda is making steady progress. We are providing free health Primary care. That is why you are producing and the kids are not dying because they are fully immunized. In the past women would lose half of their children. So now we have the infrastructure in place and our focus will be bringing services to the people,” Mukula said.

Mukula will tomorrow, Friday take his campaign tours to Pallisa District.

Mukula arrives to meet people of Bulambuli

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