Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MP Namara Faces Disciplinary Action over Dr Musenero Attacks

Rubabo County Member of Parliament Naboth Namanya could face a disciplinary action over his public attacks on the Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology, Dr Monica Musenero.

FDC’s Namanya was yesterday filmed in the precincts of Parliament in a video that has gone viral attacking Musenero in her presence, accusing her of corruption. This was after House debated the ad hoc committee report that accuses the minister of mismanaging over Shs100billion while she headed the Presidential Scientific Initiative on Epidemics (PRESIDE), an initiative set up by the president to fight epidemics.

During Wednesday plenary sitting, Speaker of Parliament Anita Among castigated MP Namanya for the attacks saying the MP acted unprofessional and subsequently condemned his actions as “despicable and unacceptable.”

“Colleagues, I would like to strongly caution some of you on your conduct and decorum especially in as far as how you treat each other as Members of Parliament. I watched with disappointment a Television clip in which Hon. Naboth Namara the Member for Rubabo County publicly attacked the Honourable Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology; Dr Monica Musenero,” Among said.

She added, “How can a colleague attack and humiliate a colleague before TV cameras over a matter that is being handled in the House? This kind of behaviour is despicable and acceptable. I am cautioning you Members to treat each other with decorum and respect otherwise I will have to refer you to the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline.”

The Parliamentary Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline is charged with the responsibility to inquire into any complaint of contempt of Parliament or breach of privilege or any matter of privilege which may be referred to it and to recommend to the House such action as the Committee may consider appropriate.

Rule 84 of the Parliament Rules of Procedure says it is out of order to use offensive, abusive, insulting, blasphemous or unbecoming words or to impute improper motives to a Member or to make personal allusions.

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